Page 10 - ChildsLife Annual Report 2022
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Our Work
ChildsLife is a catalyst for change and strengthens children and communities with sustainable solutions for a better future.
ChildsLife in Africa and Eastern Europe
ChildsLife runs a tailormade program in sustainable develop- ment aid in slums, urban and rural regions of Africa and Eastern Europe. ChildsLife offers grassroots support and works based on the principle that programs need to be effective, practical and fully suited to local needs. Investing in women and girls particularly is an effective way to bring about change. Empowered women contribute to the health and productivity of whole families and communities.
ChildsLife partners with communities, schools, institutions, organizations and local governments to reach the target population. Encouraging local ownership and responsibility is key to the success of the ChildsLife program. Years of in-country experience, detailed knowledge of the countries and its many inhabitants,
and understanding of local problems ensures ChildsLife and its staff is respected and trusted by beneficiaries and partners alike.
Development aid and emergency support
Sustainable development aid is at the core of the ChildsLife program. But when an emergency situation arises, such as the pandemic, ChildsLife mobilizes emergency support for those requiring urgent assistance. In 2022, many had not yet recovered from the scourge of COVID-19, when the world was shocked
by the start of the war in Ukraine and its global economic consequences. ChildsLife has been active in Eastern Europe for over 25 years, and was therefore able to respond swiftly with a support program for refugee families from Ukraine.
ChildsLife is all about providing Chances for Children
Often, however, this is not as straight forward as it would seem. To provide a chance for a child, you might need to provide chances to his/her parents; it could mean helping their community, it could mean building a school, a greenhouse or digging a well. To provide chances for children, ChildsLife’s delivery is focused on three components: Live, Learn and Earn.
Water, Sanitation & Hygiene
Inadequate access to clean water and sanitation kills and sickens thousands of people every day. Lack of proper sanitation, water and hygiene has many other serious consequences. Children - and particularly girls - are denied their right to education because their schools lack private and decent sanitation facilities. Women and children are forced to walk long distances and spend large parts of their day collecting water. Extreme thirst and diseases result in children’s diminished learning. Crops fail, livestock die and people are less productive due to illness. Without W.A.S.H., sustainable development is impossible. Access to clean water, decent sanitation together with hygiene practices, reduce child mortality, improve health and education

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