Page 26 - ChildsLife Annual Report 2022
P. 26

   ChildsLife Program guidelines
Projects are selected only after the ChildsLife guidelines are met and after ChildsLife staff has reviewed and visited a potential project. Monitoring and evaluation of progress is done through interviews, reviewing reports from project management, visits to the projects by ChildsLife staff and accurate verification of internal account information from the Guidelines for Expenditures. ChildsLife adheres to the Sphere Projects minimum standards for conduct in humanitarian assistance. ChildsLife Program Guidelines and Procedures state that ChildsLife will assist those who are at risk without discrimination and will invest in programs focused on the most vulnerable groups: women, children, minorities, the disabled, and the very poor.
ChildsLife has created its own International Fundamental Principles stating, amongst other issues that it does not discriminate as to nationality, race, religious beliefs or class status. ChildsLife promotes gender equality in supported programs and in staff at headquarters as well as in the field.
Code of fundraising ethics
ChildsLife adheres to the Fundraising Code of Ethics established by the Association of Fundraising Professionals which guarantees a correct, consistent and honest way of fundraising.
Transparency and accreditations
ChildsLife activities are open and accessible to scrutiny by its supporters. ChildsLife issues an annual report and audited financial statements. From January 2017, ChildsLife chose to no longer carry the CBF accreditation. After careful consideration and consultation, ChildsLife Boards considered the costs and resources involved in carrying and maintaining the CBF accredi- tation no longer a viable expenditure of donors’ contributions. However, the fully transparent working methods and financial controls by external accountant have remained unchanged.
ANBI status: ChildsLife the Netherlands is a registered non-profit (ANBI status) with the Dutch tax office, ensuring maximum tax benefits for the organization and donors. 501C3: ChildsLife has been registered as a 501c3 tax exempt organization in the United States since 2008. Charitable gifts to ChildsLife are therefore deductible to the full extent allowable under IRS regulations.
ChildsLife Romania NGO registration: ChildsLife Romania has been officially accredited by the Romanian Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Elderly. In order to safeguard quality of social services, Romanian law requires all social services providers to be scrutinized and accredited by the Ministry.
In 2022 ChildsLife Romania was issued with a new accre- ditation which will be valid for 3 years and renewable upon expiration.
ChildsLife Kenya NGO registration: ChildsLife Kenya has been officially registered as a non-profit organization under section 10 of the Non-Governmental Organizations Co-ordination Act since 2005.
In addition, ChildsLife Kenya is member of several unions.
It works closely with the National Aids Control Council (NACC). It is also a member of the Kenya Aids NGOs Consortium and The Kibera NGO Network.

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